jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Invitation Note

Hi guys! Welcome to our blog.
In this blog, you will find a video from us talking about what we like to do in free time, also why we like those things and some ideas of how we do them. Sometimes people don’t spend time to do things they like the most. It’s necessary getting some minutes to take stress off and enjoy different things, not only for recreation, also to look for a healthy life.
For those reasons, we invite you to watch our video and appreciate what we did; it is difficult to get free time to do sports or recreational activities, in addition you should not forget the importance of relaxation and calm. Let’s take troubled out and start doing what you like to do.
It’s important for us if you’ll watch this video, we did it carefully and hopping you will like it. So don’t think twice and let’s put it play.  If you want to know which our hobbies are, we invite you to watch this video.

Thanks note

In this video you could find the activities we like doing the most. Each person has different ways to spend free time, some people go to the gym, and others play soccer, or basketball, and things like those, it was a summary of some things we like to do. There, we talked about the activities, why we like them and how we feel when we are participating on those. We appreciate your time for watching this video that we made for a presentation as a part of the English work. The video was made individually but fastened together to form a single video. We thank all of those who used a part of their time to appreciate the video.
So, thanks for take a look, and enjoy our work. Hopefully you will like it, we appreciate your time; your friends Diego Céspedes and Daniela Chacón. 

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